Doug Garman Piano Service
Doug Garman, Registered Piano Technician
Doug is a Registered Piano Technician member of the Piano Technicians Guild, having held offices in the Ft. Worth chapter, and has been an active piano tuner and technician in the north central Texas area since 1994, including three years on the technical staff of Steinway Hall Dallas, Ft. Worth, & Plano.
The proud owner of a beautiful new titanium & carbon fiber tuning hammer. (PTG Convention. Chicago, 2013)
Piano tuning and repair is not exempt from the advent of new technologies. Doug marries craftsmanship and these latest innovations in every appointment to provide you with a tuning of the highest standards and an instrument that plays to its absolute most potential.
While a piano technician by day, Doug is also a horn player, cyclist, and woodworker. He is the father of five musical children and four grandchildren (musical talents pending).
Doug and his family at the New England Conservatory of Music